Fiction, memoir, or personal essay
One piece, up to 1200 words (in fact, shorter is often better)
Submit via Submissions Form
Up to 3 poems, up to 30 lines each
Any medium (physical, digital, photography, etc)
Submit as a JPEG or PNG via email at
What We Are Looking For
We want good stories. More than that, we want unique stories that tell us something new about our relationship with the environment, i.e not a bunch of stereotypical dystopias. We value optimism and innovative ideas. This could be through absurdism, cultural identity, and more. We want stories to be bold and unapologetic. Be concise: throw the majority of your adverbs in the trash. The recycling bin, I mean.
Most importantly, the environment or an environmental topic should play a central role in your piece.
We want previously unpublished pieces. We appreciate mature themes, but do not want excessive use of cursing, gore, or explicit content. We will not promote hatred toward any identity group.
Visit our interview on Jim Harrington's Six Questions for further insight on Ark Review submissions.