Mason Young
Mason Young lives in Northern California and attends Saint Francis High School. He authored the forthcoming chapbook Not Cracked But Carved, a finalist for the Orison Prize and the Black River Chapbook Award. His work has appeared in ​The Penn Review, The Mid-American Review, The Los Angeles Review, Quarterly West, Vestal Review, XRAY, and elsewhere, and has been nominated for inclusion in Best Microfiction 2024.
He loves art. He loves short stories. He loves poetry. He loves the planet. He loves not having time. That last one's a lie, but here we are.

Graphic Designer
Jase Whitman
Jase Whitman is the graphic designer for the Ark Review. He works on creating the cover art for the different volumes. Hiking and camping are two things he dearly enjoys, as it allows him to have a deeper connection with the world around him whilst also giving him and his friends an exhilarating adventure. He's excited to continue providing service to these wonderful writers, and he hopes that he can contribute as best he can to help show how important our environment is!

Managing Editor
Gianna Ripa
Gianna Ripa is a blog editor for Ocean Busters and Everything Starts Small. She thinks the goal of Ark Review is extremely important: to share and spread awareness of environmental issues through a series of stories. She enjoys reading everything these writers have shared, because they all share a common passion for the environment. Gianna is from Brigantine, New Jersey where she volunteers in beach cleanups for her passion for taking care of the environment, fighting ocean pollution and other environmental problems, as well as volunteering.

Prose Editor
Sean Filler
Sean Filler is a student at Saint Francis High School. He loves to read a good book (and give a brutally honest review afterwards), write a short story, and listen to music. In his free time he practices solving Rubik’s Cubes quickly, collects Pokémon cards, and grinds video games. He is fascinated by the world around him, and enjoys learning about and hanging out in nature.

Chloe Chen
Chloe Chen is a student at Crystal Springs Uplands School in Hillsborough, CA. She's never been published, but she loves nothing more than tackling a complex piece of poetry or Shakespeare and finding her voice through literary analysis. Of course, she functions on matcha lattes and a warm cup of Earl Grey in the mornings and is a firm believer that tea is superior to coffee.

Editor Emeritus
Esha Bansiya
Esha Bansiya loves reading, and you can always find her with a book in her hand. The power of writing is underappreciated, and she wants to use the voice she has to make a difference in her community!